Gills – The respiratory organ of aquatic animals that breathes oxygen through water.
Harvest – The total number of poundage of fish caught and kept from an area over a period of time.
Herbivores – An animal that feeds exclusively on plants and plant material.
Hormones – Are molecules released by a group of cells in the body that influence the behavior of another group of cells in the body.
Hybridization – the mating of different species or sub species to create offspring that share the genetic material of both species. In many cases, hybrid offspring will not be able to naturally reproduce.
Hydrodynamic – Refers to the forces in or motions of liquids. If something is hydrodynamic, it can move through fluids or liquids easily.
Hydrologic cycle – The sequence of conditions through which water passes from vapor in the atmosphere through precipitation upon land or water surfaces and ultimately back into the atmosphere as a result of evaporation and transpiration.
In-stream flows – In stream flows are specific flow amounts protected in a regulation or law.
Incubation – The period of development for fish within the egg before they hatch.
Indigenous – This term refers to originating in and characteristic of a particular region or country or native to a specific area.
Inexhaustible – Incapable of being depleted or unable to be used up. Plentiful enough not to give out.
Inundated – To cover with water, especially floodwaters. To overwhelm as if with a flood.
Invertebrate – An invertebrate is an animal lacking a backbone like a crustacean or a mollusk.
Iteroparous – The ability to reproduce or breed multiple times during its lifetime or a multiple spawning life history strategy.
Interjurisdictoional – The coordinated management of a resource between multiple management jurisdictions.
Jurisdiction – The right power or authority to administer policy or manage natural resources such as fishery resources within a specified geographical boundary.
Kidney – Either of two bean shaped excretory organs that filters wastes from the blood and excrete them and urine.
Lacustrine – Relating to, formed in, living in or formed in lakes.
Landlocked – Enclosed or nearly enclosed by land.
Larvae/Larval Stage – This term is usually reserved for newly hatched fish that have not yet absorbed the entire yolk sac that they were born with. In many cases, larval fish still have to undergo additional changes before they resemble their adult life history stage.
Lemming – A small, short tailed rodent which lives in the Arctic or northern areas of North America, Europe and Asia.