Juvenile – A juvenile fish is a fish that has reached the point where it can now begin to feed itself and has fully developed scales and fins.
Macroinvertebrates – are organisms that live underwater in our streams and rivers which lack a backbone but can be seen by the naked eye.
Marine – Saltwater habitat.
Migrate – Movement of an organism or animal from one habitat to another.
Midge – A group of small, non-biting flies that have an aquatic larval stage and are often found near streams, lakes and marshes. These flies are famous for forming large swarms near water bodies.
Milt – Male reproductive material.
Mollusk – A group of freshwater and saltwater animals with no skeletons and usually one or two hard shells made of calcium carbonate. This group Includes oysters, clams, mussels, snails, conches, scallops, squids and octopi.
Moratorium – A legally authorized suspension of an activity.
Morphological – Relating to or concerned with the form and structure of organisms.
Multiple spawner – A “multiple spawner is a species of fish which reproduces more than one time in its lifetime.
Mysid – Any member of the order which includes opossum shrimp; especially of the genus mysis.
Natal – of or relating to birth or place of birth.
Nocturnal – Active at night; done occurring or coming out at night.
Ocean-type– An anadromous fish that shows no indication on its scales or other hard parts of an extended fresh water residence early in its life.
Omnivirous – An animal or person that feeds on both plants and animals.
Opportunistic –Taking immediate advantage of any circumstance of possible benefit.
Overfished – A fishery is considered overfished if the stock size is too small to withstand the current fishing levels or if the stock is being fished at a rate where the number of remaining adults will not be able to sustain the population.
Overfishing – This condition of fishing an area excessively to exhaust the supply of usable fish in certain waters.
Overwintering – This term refers to the process of passing through or waiting out a winter season at a particular location.
Parasitic – A condition in which one organism feeds on or within another organism to sustain itself.
Pelagic – Inhabiting the upper layers of the open sea.
Piscivorous – This term refers to feeding primarily or only on fish as a food source.
Plankton/planktonic – This term refers to the small or microscopic organisms that drift or swim within the water column.
Poaching – The illegal shooting, trapping or taking of game or fish from public or private property.
Potamodromous – A fish that migrates only within fresh water. These migrations are normally associated with spawning.
Prolific – Producing abundant amounts of offspring.
Propagation – The breeding of plant or animal specimens by natural process from the parent stock.
Predation – The feeding of one animal upon another.
Predator/prey – An interaction between two organisms in which one of them acts as a predator that captures and feeds on the organism and serves as its food source or prey.
Post-spawning – The period of time immediately after fish reproduce or spawn.
Pre-spawning – The period of time before fish reproduce or spawn.
Prey – The organism or animal being hunted.