Fish Glossary-6.0



Rare – Seldom occurring or found; uncommon.

Recreational Fishery – Harvesting fish for personal use, fun, and challenge. Recreational fishing does not include the sale of the catch. The term refers to and includes the fishery resources, fishermen, and businesses providing needed goods and services.

Redd – A redd is a nest of fish eggs.

Rearing – The term rearing refers to the place or habitat where fish grow and develop into adult fish.

Refugium – An area in which a population of organisms can survive through a period of unfavorable conditions.

Resident – A species that does not migrate and lives its entire life in fresh water.

Riffle – Is a shallow section of a stream or river with rapid current and a surface broken by gravel, rubble or boulders.

Riverine – Of or relating to a river; living within, or along the banks of a river.

Salters – A sea-run brook trout. Salters were a prized sport fish in the late 1800’s in New England.

School – A group of fish swimming together.

Sea-run – The act of ascending a river from the sea, especially to spawn as salmon or brook trout.

Semelparous – To Reproduce or breed only once in a lifetime. A single spawning life history strategy.

Spawn/Spawning – A term used to describe fish reproduction. Spawning refers to the actual extrusion of fish eggs from the female fish and milt from the male fish.

Species – A set of actually or potentially interbreeding organisms or a group of organisms that have a distinctive form; a group of organisms that share a common ancestor.

Species of concern – This is an informal term that commonly refers to a species that is declining or appears to be in need of conservation.

Spirogyra – Spirogyra is a type of filamentous green algae commonly found in fresh water habitats. It is also called water silk, mermaid’s tresses and blanket weed.

Sport fish – A sport fish is a species of fish that is sought after for sport and also does not sell his catch. The fish landed are for the angler’s personal use.

Stock – is a term referring to a sub-population of a species of fish.

Stocking – The Stocking of fish is a fish management tool that works by releasing fish that are raised in hatcheries into the wild.

Stratification – The state of having many layers.

Stream-type – A fish that rears for a year or more in a stream.

Temperate – Denoting a region or climate characterized by mild temperatures. A temperate climate is a mild climate that does not undergo extreme heat or extreme cold.

Terrestrial – In biology this term refers to organisms that live and grow on land.

Subsistence fishery – The taking of, fishing for or possession of fish, shellfish or other fishery resources by a resident of a state for subsistence use(these fish will serve as food for the individuals that capture them in the prescribed manners) with gillnet, seine, or other means. Subsistence fish are never sold for profit.

Thermocline – The region in a thermally stratified body of water which separates warmer surface water from cold deep water and in which temperature decreases rapidly with increasing depth.

Threatened – A ”threatened species” is defined as any species which is likely to become an endangered species within the foreseeable future.

Tunicates – Marine invertebrates of a group that includes the sea squirts and salps. They have a rubbery or hard outer coat and two siphons to draw water into and out of the body.

Turbid – This term refers to water that is cloudy, murky or has sediment suspended in solution.

Turgid – Swollen or distended, as from a fluid, bloated.

Viral hemorrhagic septicemia – A highly contagious and deadly fish virus that can infect numerous species of fresh water and salt water fish.

Watershed – An area or ridge of land that separates waters flowing to different rivers, basins or seas.

Young-of-the year – Those animals or fish that are born within the past year (Age 0 fish), from transformation to juvenile until January 1 of the Northern Hemisphere or July 1 in the Southern Hemisphere, which have not yet reached the age of one year (YOY).

Zooplankton – The animal constituent of plankton consisting mainly of small crustaceans and fish larvae.